“The north winds made the Vikings”
-Scandanavian proverb
We are a happy homeschool family!
We have discovered that nothing develops resilience, family connection, academic excellence and spiritual growth like doing something beyond ourselves. We love learning, and education is something we can do for our entire lives.
We created this institute to give back to others what we have learned and to provide opportunities to experience concepts and adventures we never thought possible. Through personal challenges to try something new, difficult or unique, resilience and confidence is developed.
Through our own educational process, we learned that experiential learning and difficult, deep study is the best way to grow and get the most out of life. Whether you wish to climb that mountain, or build that rocket, we believe all things are possible. In this way education becomes fun and critical thinking skills are developed that we carry with us for a lifetime.
In the end, the most important lessons in education are to know how to learn and to love learning.
"...and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Come join us on our next adventure!

Laura is a homeschool educator of 28 years, homeschooling her three children from birth through high school. Two have graduated from college with their bachelor’s degrees and are pursuing their graduate degrees with one in undergrad. All three siblings enjoy each other and love to learn!